Friends, we present to you the "Guide to the field of mental health of military personnel in conditions of war", developed with the aim [...]
Olesya Perepechenko is a typhologist and rehabilitator, executive director of the public union "All-Ukrainian League of Organizations of Persons with [...]
For two months, women from different parts of Ukraine attended support groups under the program "5 steps [...]
To help, one must be in a state of "inner peace" - one of the main rules for [...]
4 online meetings of lawyers, representatives of the NGO partner organization "Yuridichna Sotnia", with families of military personnel and veterans were held [...]
Dear veterans, veterans, military personnel participating in hostilities and members of their families, it is for you that [...]
On Tuesday, August 2, EU representatives led by the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ilva Johansson [...]