Psychological support is assistance in overcoming the consequences of military actions, traumatic events, returning to peaceful life; care and restoration of harmonious relationships. Effective team work is built on such basic principles as comprehensiveness, professionalism, family approach, and confidentiality.

Individual psychological consultations

Individual consultations are aimed at the development of personality, its self-realization, creation of a successful, meaningful life through the formation of appropriate skills and support in the process of overcoming psychological problems.

Support groups for wives/partners of military personnel

Psychological support groups for women waiting for their loved ones from the war under the program "5 Steps to Resilience. For Those Who Are Waiting."

At group meetings, in a circle of like-minded people and with the support of qualified psychologists, you will learn to develop your stability, resilience (flexibility), how to cope with emotions and stabilize your own states, learn how to maintain relationships in times of war and develop them at a distance, learn to understand and accept changes in a couple and partner, and develop the skill of supporting your partner without destroying yourself.

Working with couples

Counseling for couples in which one or both partners are in military service or have the status of a veteran of the UBD.

Strong ties – strong couples

The relationship development program for veteran couples, "Strong Connections - Strong Couples," was created by Dr. Sue Johnson and Catherine Ream, who have worked with couples of U.S. Army veterans for over 10 years.

The three-day program was adapted by Ukrainian volunteer specialists to the mental characteristics of Ukrainian society in wartime conditions and is based on the method of emotionally focused therapy.

Training center for psychologists

School of Psychologists - informational, educational and scientific-methodological support for specialists in the field of mental health who work with families of military personnel and veterans.

  • program "5 Steps to Resilience. For Those Who Wait" (5-step program for leading support groups for female partners of military personnel);
  • program "Communication through distance" (specificities of pair counseling for families of military personnel and veterans).


The team of specialists uses crisis counseling and evidence-based psychological methods in their work:

– cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT);

– Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT);


– art therapy methods;

– mindfulness.


The comprehensive approach involves close cooperation and interaction with partner organizations: Women's Power of Ukraine, Free Choice, Institute of Health Psychology, Association of Psychologists of Ukraine, Lifeline Ukraine.