Methodical manual for couple counseling of families of military personnel and veterans "Communication through distance"

The author's team:

Maria Oliynyk, Nataliya Umerenkova, Maryna Syritsa, Sofia Terlez, Maryana Mykolaichuk

The methodological manual, based on the theoretical approaches of emotionally-focused therapy and attachment theory, taking into account the basic provisions of military psychology and practical experience of working with married and partner couples of military personnel and veterans, reveals the specifics and peculiarities of crisis counseling of the specified category of clients.

The materials of the manual will be useful for mental health specialists (psychologists, military psychologists, psychotherapists) who work in the field of psychological counseling.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project "Stable family - strong country" "YARMIZ" readaptation and rehabilitation center with the support of International Foundation "Renaissance".

The publication represents the position of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Revival Foundation.

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